
SIPPRO новости о SIP панелей и домов, в строительстве которых выгоднее использовать SIP панели. Здесь мы опубликуем информацию о наших акциях, которые позволят вам купить SIP панели по более доступной цене и значительно сэкономить деньги и время строительства вашего дома из панелей SIP .

SIP MgO Next Gen Magnesium Oxide Board Structural Insulated Panels

MgO SIPS (Magnesium Oxide Board Structural Insulated Panels) are high-performance building systems that consist of an insulating foam core sandwiched between two sheathing layers of magnesium oxide board. MgO SIPs are used for highly insulated walls, ceilings, and floors.

One of the benefits of MGO SIPS insulated panels is that they are a healthy option due to the fact that they no organic solvents, heavy metals, asbestos, oils, or other toxic materials in them. For this reason, they were placed in the category of "green building materials." That is why they are perfect for humid and wet climates.

MgO is stronger than plywood, OSB, and particleboard. MgO has superior fire suppression characteristics when compared to portland cement, OSB, and plywood. MgO sheathing is water-resistant